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Mr. T, fool.

A Look In My Closet Pt. 2 - Requiem of the TMNT

Written 2-17-01

As most high schoolers and college students were Ninja Turtle freaks, i got caught up in the coolest phase since Transformers aired. Alas, i dont need to explain what they are. Every parent knows em, every kid knows em, even my grandparents knew the names of Rocksteady and Bebop. Yes, those were the innocent days laying on the rug cross-dressing a Foot Soldier with Michaelangelo's belt, Splinter's cape and ChromeDome's ray gun. Today i decided to check on my favorite little guys, dusty and heterogeneously mixed with matchboxes and snorkel toys. Suprisingly they were intact; no missing arms or legs ?!? I dont remember when i stopped playing with them but judging by the layers of hobby materials above them, i'd say it had been at least 7 years henceforth. These figures got the best of me, i had to check online for every possible information about them that i could get my hands on.

Recently, a friend Jon Boutin, has been suddenly propelled to his past memories and is intoxicated in buying all the old figures that he once had. I loaned him my TMNT pilot episode tape, which he dubbed. I still havent debuted my TMNT music tape, TMNT comic books, and TMNT agit-prop. Perhaps i will soon. Two weeks ago, TBJ and I went to a liquidator store and found some of the ancient TMTN 13" dolls. But at 10$ a figure was not in my best interest. TBJ took a digi-cam pic and we left. I found a really good TMNT page that deals with anything you'd want. Be it toys, comics, episode guide, etc. It is The Official Ninja Turtle Webpage.

Feast you eyes on these 1988 originals! Heres a few i retrieved from the page.

Michaelangelo| Krang| Shredder| Technodrome| Turtle's Party Wagon

Update: Transformer's Autobot/Decepticons will be debuting August '01 with all new marketing and cartoons. I cant contain myself!

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