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Mr. T, fool.

Anime Night, in All it’s Bizarre Glory

Submitted 2-22-01

"Dude, I’ve got your crack." Our host constantly informs us. "Anime night is your crack." How true, Anime night is like crack, only a bit healthier and more addictive.

The evening begins with six or seven cars compressed into a three car driveway, parking is tight. You walk up the stairs to the door, and your hand is poised to knock when suddenly the door is ripped open and out pops Rooze, scaring the jeebus out of you. He quickly makes a joke about how you just shit your pants, and ushers you into his house. You give it to Rooze, and then as you walk by his family, you give it to them as well. Then as you enter the inner sanctum, you greet friends, acquaintances, and miscellaneous people. You take your jacket off and settle down onto the huge Persian rug. Within minutes, you are drawn into a world of video games, and wild county western music. Elvira!

Eventually, everyone who’s going to show shows up. Good ol’ Chris D. usually supplies the anime, which is popped in around 11. You and the rest of the crew sit, watch, and often mock the zany and infinitely confusing plot while Japanese cartoons leap around the screen murdering and often scraping each other. On occasion there is a really stellar movie like Grave of the Fireflies or something notably awesome like that one with the Totoro or Kiki’s or the killer robot one only I remember for some reason.

Just when things cease to make sense, the movie stops and Rooze runs for the tea. People add a few tablespoons of tea to their enormous cups of sugar before sucking it down amid complements to the tea brand. The movie goes back on. And ends, usually with a disappointing or anticlimactic scene that is more confusing than the entire rest of the movie. The groups sits around in shock and awe, while our minds quickly flush memories of the movie down the mental crapper. And then, someone starts it. The room quickly falls into a fight club like atmosphere, where we physically wrestle eachother into submission or a mensa fight club where we beat eachother about the head with complex world changing ideas about the creation of the universe or some such thing.

Good Times at Bad Hours

Sooner or later, everyone gets tired and bids that wacky Rooze good bye. Everyone piles into their respective cars and pulls out of the driveway in a bumper car like fashion. Driving home, falling asleep periodically behind the wheel, you reflect back and wonder just what the hell you have been doing with your Friday night.

- SquidoQ

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