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Mr. T, fool.

Scooby Doo Episode#113 - TBJ and the Mysterious Speaker Install

Submitted 2-24-01

Ahhhhh, Ebay...what DON'T you have for me to blow my money on?? Well you obviously don't lack car stereo speakers. I figured the 'ol Achieva could use some snazzy rear speakers to spruce things up a bit, so I took a trip to my favorite hobo hangout..EBAY. Speakers have arriveth!After extensive research (about 10 minutes) I figured the Blaupunkt PCxt693 6"x9" speaker to be the best bang for the buck. Let's see here..maximum bid "53.00"..username ThUnDerBiSon...password ..wait! I can't tell you that. Anyway, back to my quest. After winning the auction for 53.00 plus shipping I waited for a week until I got my product. Not bad.

The package is opened and I said, "Alrighty, let's get these speakers in now and see how they sound." Time to whip out the good 'ol car repair manual to see how to install em. Damn this seat cushion... Oh just FRIKKIN great!! I have to take out the whole damn back seat to put these new shistos in. Ugh...FINE, let's just get it over with. Let's see here...unbolt clip..done...pull up seat cushion..done...remove rear seat retaining bolts...mothertrucker!!!! I can't get these mofos loose!!! Stupid bolts. Maybe an alan wrench'll do it. NOPE, only STRIPPED two of them! Of course, why would anything go easy for me?? So I said "Whatever," and gave up for the day. A week and a half LATER I decide to start it up again. ARGHHHH!!!! Still can't get this bolt loose, even after letting oil soak in there.

Seems like I'm gonna have to call the auto place and have them take these fartknockin bolts out. "OK sir, we can take you in early tomorrow morning." Fine, I'll slip the guy a few bucks and call it a day. Screw This 'Snip Snip' YAAAWN. Ooooh it's 9 am, I have to go to the auto place now. "Hi, I called you about taking some bolts out for me yesterday..?", "Ah yea whatever, I'm busy now, come back in like a half hour or 10." MOTHER!!!!! Jeez, this is taking me WAY to much effort, I could be home smokin a stodge. Fine, I'll go home, smoke a stodge, come back, and FINALLY get this over with. Da dee da...ooohhhhh that's good Virginia Slimz! Time to go back. "Hi, are you guys ready yet?"..."yea,ill take a look at it...oh yeah, that's a T50 Torx bit" So the nice man whips it out (the air gun and the bit) and takes em out. After thanking him, I slipped him a 10 spot.

Now, time to finish up the job,...I'm sure I'll run into another problem. Let's see here. All I have to do is pull this carpet up. (tug, tug, tug, TUG) DAAMMMIIIIIIT!!!!! Ahh, what a breath of fresh air.It's just EXPECTED that I can't get this done without a problem now. Screw this, I'm just gonna cut it up. (snip snip) FINALLY I get the carpet up and pull the crapass Achieva speakers out, and mount the new ones. Ahhhhh, what a breath of fresh air. Time to test these suckers out. OH MY GOD!!! They actually work, something actually went right for me!!!! Yeehaw. Wow, these sound good, well worth the effort...sorta. At least they're in. The back seat goes back on, and the Achieva then proceeds to drive around town pissing off senior citizens with NWA's album from 1989 - "Straight Outta Compton" blasting out the stereo. You gotta love the looks you get when NWA tells them that "life ain't nothin but bitches and money" it's DEFINITELY worth the effort!

Or was it?

Celebration Time!!!


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