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Mr. T, fool.

Insane Potpouri

Written 3-2-01
This was a horrible week. Ok,..maybe not that bad. Aside from the fact my truck no longer shakes the windoes when decelleration. But in being in a three night binge of staying up later than i wanted, and i have no more Ren and Stimpy episodes to watch, its a bum. And lastly, my digital camera broke...What am i to do? Tomarrow I was to go to an Estate sale in another one of (Skruffy/TBJ) Ebay scavenging hunts. I guess ill post only words then. But thats not fun!

I logged online today to find that SNET is down today!!! What can i do? I kept myself busy cleaning up the files in my parent's computer and burning (another) disco cd. Oh, my old digital camera files! I hadnt seen these in a long span of time. So i sorted through them. Inspiration sets in at this point...i should do something with these orphan photos. Heres what i uncovered...

Pee Wee Herman Screenshots - January 10th

How did I ever overlook these? I mean its understandable that i overlooked 'Mr. Piano Man' MP3s in my files, but PeeWee takes the cake for being utterly stupid! That brings me to a crumb of gossip...PeeWee is currently creating a new script for himself. Hopefully he will debut once again in the 00's.

The screenshots you see above are a mixture of PeeWee's Big Top Adventure and Great Adventure movies. Although they aren't the most originally named, they do have good replay value and nostalgic ranking. In one there is a crazy shot of PeeWee stuck on a tour of the Alamo. The next one you see at the far right is him being chased by a generic lumberjack oaf. I think his name was Pierry.

Powder Puff Game - November 24th

This was before i even started this site. RiceChrisP picked me and Squido up. Suprisingly, we were the first spectators there sans some old couple. Luke showed up later with a liter of vodka. The fool.

The Dream Car - November 15th

I wanted this car. To quote Wayne's World "It will be mine...oh will be mine..," And i wanted it badly. I never did call how much it cost but Im sure alone the gas would cause me to get employed full time. I scrapped the idea after these pictures, and three days later it was gone. Never to be seen again. Specs: 1977 Pontiac Grand Ville Convertible, 6.4 liter V8. (Haha, see? I cant afford that in anyway)


Jon Pohorilak - December 2nd

Its rare to get Jon into a photo. And this is only for Rooz to poke at Jon's eyes at home. Poor Jon. And so convenient.

Closer...Point of contact

Well thats it for today's perusing. Now to take a nap. Take it easy...(Await the second part to this)


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