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Mr. T, fool.

Sans Digital Pictures Part I. - Journal Entry - No Road Respect

Written 3-15-01

As you can see from the title, i still haven't received my fixed camera. So that means no new pictures. In fact, i hate using old ones, so to warn you, this article is all crap. Its a cut&paste job from Word 97, actually my weekly journal essay. Hell, you'll like it.

Their Metal Coffin
Mike Oconnell - 3-13-01

At the wheel of my massive two ton vehicle, I find that no matter how big your car is, you still get no respect. On Friday nights driving to friends homes, I am often tailgated by some rushing dot-commer in his brand new Mercedes or Cadillac. And it scares me to know that its 10 o'clock and these rich schmucks are on the loose and in a hurry. And for what?

Another thing that annoys me about these tailgators is the fact that I'm already speeding 50mph on a 30mph road and they are still shadowing me. Often times I find that I drop my speed to a crawl and take up both sides of the road so they can't pass my large vehicle. This will show them! Other times, I switch on my auxiliary-manual backup lights to blind the jerk. This most likely makes them back off and respect my alread-illegal speed, and it worked a few times. But what if they entirely ignore the light? Nothing pee-ohs me more than someone who doesn't listen to my wishes, and slowing them down is for their own good. I let off the gas and cut into the middle of the road so he/she doesn't pass.

My next major pet-peeve is when I am cut off by some old person. To tell you the truth, no one my age has ever cut me off within recognition distance. Every cutter has been an elder in their old clunky Cavaliers. And I ask myself "Does courage come with age?" Just because I'm in a large slow vehicle doesn't mean an eighty year old could do a right angle turn in a split second. No, it doesn't work that way. I usually have to brake from cruising speed to a crawl in slightly less than that split second. I mean I don't care if I crash into them and kill them because of their stupidity (well, they do deserve it…); I'm worried about my own safety and my own brakes.

What I wonder many a times is what do these people think when I slow them down? Am I being smitten with silent curses? Maybe a few flipped birds here and there? Or perhaps will they conspire to get my license down and make up a story to get me in trouble? But I doubt that they ever thank me for saving their lives when I slow them down to the proper speed limit. Hey, I'm a teen, I'm 'invincible' and you're not!

-Told ya so...Skruffy

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