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Mr. T, fool.

Anime Night's Tribute to Gary

Written 3-17-01

If I had a school essay with the question "Which person has the most influence in your life, and describe that person in detail", I would pick good ol' Venus War's Gary. .Its not his patience with idiots that i admire, nor is it the greasy ego-centric HQ that i love...its his name. I mean, the creater of this anime was pure genious; an unlikely hero for a war! We first took notice of him because he looked like Luke Pelc's dad, but thats not all. Gary rose to a coolness facter unharnessed by the loosers he had lurking about his building, and by the fact he retrofitted unicycles. The most controversial part of the movie was our double take on his infamous "Pony" tv set - the cheap Venusian version of Sony (and theres a real COBY brand out there), Anything he said was so terse and so obvious that we couldn't help laughing at his lines. Jay Leno doesn't even get that (only strained laughs). In those euphoric moments, Gary was forever 'riveted' to the Anime Hall of Fame. The gay fellah' and the generic black guy placing an indecisive second. (Makes me wanna flaaaaaa!)

"Who is Gary?", you may still ask, l as though you didnt read the previous paragraph. Gary is a minor supppoting character in the anime "The Venus Wars" which was decisively an OK movie. The movie revolved around a race team and Gary's crazy shop. But then the city fought a war which you'll read below. The story revolved around Hiro, but he was garden variety; i didnt even like him. Thats why we chose our pal Gary - the cheap rip off of Mario. Nobody messed with him, and yes, he made the executive decisions of the team - keeping them analogous to Robin Hood 2040. Of course the guy was a man of action, not of words, or is it the other way around? Our applause was granted to him when he went crazy with his massive gas-filled tractor trailer on one of those Ishtarian tanks.

A few contributed their last respects to Gary's selfless act, trying to rescue Hiro, the hero (??) from his decisive fate. Unfortunately with a homely name like Gary, he was bound to disappear from the rest of the movie. Poor poor Gary.

  • Stankewicz- "Don't blow a fuse"
  • Robinson - "Gary lived his life like he drove the track: pedel to the metal and a wide open clutch"
  • Skruffy - "..he went to that auto-repair shop Valhalla..."
  • Squido - " was something like 'If you get me killed I'm going to come up there and kill you, Hiro.' "
This about concludes our memorial service. But for those interested in the anime itself heres the description: In the 21st century, mankind lives on two planets – Earth and the now terraformed Venus. People from Earth have Colonized the formerly hostile world and have thrived for four generations. But along with those humans came their failings and the dark sides. Now Venus is about to become Hostile again.

Hiro Seno, a popular hotshot motorcycle racer, caught up in a war he would rather avoid, witnesses the first strike on his country Aphrodia from the malevolent nation of Ishtar. Before his very eyes, he sees the Ishtarian war machines lay waste to his city, and despite his opposition to war, Hiro soon finds himself fighting for his life on the front lines!

Meanwhile, Susan Somers, a spunky journalist from earth, gets caught up in the whirlwind of Venutian political intrigue and espionage that brings her face to face with the deadly leader of the Ishtar himself.

-Told ya so...Skruffy

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