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Mr. T, fool.

The Wisdom of the Unwisest (Part 1 of x)

Submitted 3-20-01

I would like to begin by overanalyzing everything i have to say. When people say "I know what you're going through" or "I know how it feels", they actually mean "Wow does it suck to be you at this point". Sincerity at our age is non-existent. Nor is the fact of any decency. Our generation has been called everything from crap to losers and by the looks of how most people turn out, it is well deserved. As the one of the lesser group I feel that I should not be associated with these "losers".

Wherever we go, in stores we are constantly watched by security cameras while some older guy is stealing a tv. They don't see that the other guy is stealing something noo. They see a teenager which translates into "This little sh$t is up to noo good, I can feel it in my bones". It's arthritis you moron, go find some hot girls to check out and leave me alone. And for the 3/4 of the teenage population behaving like 5 yr olds, blame yourself. Did you know where your kid was? Meanwhile he was getting drunk and stoned?

Ohh that's right, you were watching somebody else's problems on tv. You can't even deal with your own so what the hell are you doing trying to understand somebody else's? And God forbid you ever try to be a parrent. That just wouldn't feel right. If a kid doesn't have clue what to do with himself and you don't have a clue what to do with the kid, then if someone knows what's going on feel free to raise their hand. You're not raising the kid so the street will be more than happy to take care of him for you. Plenty of drugs and booze to go around. Lots of free puking corners as well. Sorry, in suburbia we call them "the porcelain God". How cool is that? We even have a special name when adressing the crapper.

And all the school violance, 1/2 kids fault - 1/2 parents fault (in some cases more). You teach your kid it's ok to kill animals. Little Jonny will associate a human with an animal. And why do we kill animals? Because it's fun!! And why do we kill humans? Because they're pests, and it's fun!! Bad stuff to joke about. End of part one! -I hate paragraphs...(Rice)KrysP

Editors Note: KrysP has joined finally after waves of promises as a freelance writer and sculptor. He enjoys Bocce, playing the piccolo, crossword puzzles, birdwatching, and writing lush erotic sonnets. He has overcome his addiction of Walmartbut still works there as a janitor. We wholesomely greet Krys.

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