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Mr. T, fool.

Dem's Fighting Words

Submitted 3-21-01

Here's a little Ditty bout a man named Krispy..

Krys, I think you're a great guy and all, and I respect your opinions about our society, but people like you are in no position to complain about our country!!! You, as an import, are lucky to be in this country. As much as it seems it sucks, too bad, you moved here! If you think there's so much corruption and shist in our country, go back to Polaksville. We did not make you come here, or even invite you, you decided to come. Your parents realized that you can have a better life in America, and they made the right choice for you. Why don't you just thank your lucky stars you have it so well?? All you ever do is complain and it's pissing me off. "This country has no values, blah blah blah, " SHUT THE TRUCK UP KRISPY!!!! You are seriously in no position to complain. I may sound like a xenophobic (Russia vocab word) person, but I'm not. I just see that you foreigners think your old country is so much better than ours. If you think that, then you wouldn't want to be in the USA, so freakin leave if you hate it so much. Some excuses have been "well there's a better opportunity for money," and "I had no choice in it." Well if you had no choice, you have a choice NOW, so leave if you want. And as for the money part, it means that you DO realize our country is better. I'm not some mega-patriotic guy, I just realize that I'm lucky to be born in such a great place., Well off country, well off neighborhood, well off family. Would I rather be here with no values or in some place where the plague still exists that has values??? I'll take choice #1 please. Well Krispy, no hard feelings, but you need to shut your mouth. I welcome a debate on why you have the right to complain. I can't wait for your part #2 so I can pick that apart like a proctologist picks apart a rectum. Thank you everyone, and don't forget to smell those spring flowers. -I ALSO hate paragraphs...Thunder Bison John

Editors Note: TBJ is homeless, please note his flannel in all pictures of him...Thank You.

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