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The Not-So Famous DILBART
My Thoughts Exactly
Submitted 3-23-01
Now now, don’t you two let this web page go to poop with your petty feud. It’s time to write about something worth writing about. For example, why I can’t wait to get to college. Consider the benefits. At college, there won’t be any more suburban white kids trying to be bad ass ghetto thugs. There will be people paying for an education they eagerly want. College is a much better place to meet women, and they’re all of legal age. Jail bait be gone! And just think guys, mature women, whose sole focus in life extends past their nail polish or the gossipy soap opera that is their love life. You will be on your own, ready to make your own mistakes and not have your parents there to scold you or bail you out. Suddenly, your education is no longer mandated by state law, you are free to study what you want. You are given the opportunity to meet people who have lived in different parts of the world, far from the warrens of suburbia. Yes, aside from the price tag, college is a truly optimistic place of opportunity and hope built into a mountainside much like Shagrala or Macu Picu. And as long as the stock market can stay afloat a few more years, my parents hard earned money will provide the stair case by which I can ascend that mountain of accomplishment and push the guy on top off, before shouting aloud to the world, “I’m king of this mountain, so piss off!” That last was uncalled for and didn’t really make much sense, but you get the idea. So long click filled, immature high school, I’m off to college. I love paragraphs... and totoro!!