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Mr. T, fool.

Senior Show Debacle

Submitted 3-31-01

We tried. If nothing else, we tried to put on a senior show where people from the graduating class could showcase their talents in front of their peers, or at least where people could go to have a good time. I went to see the show, to see my friends perform. And I am sorely disappointed. What a waste of my time.

Credit is due to the organizers for even attempting to show the school that we as high school students could do something on our own.

Well no, we can’t.

Too many immature drunks feel it is their responsibility to destroy something as fragile and potentially artistic in nature as this little senior show experiment.

Now, I sit here at home, after leaving early (I can only take so much shit from people), and I smell like pot and beer. My ears are ringing and I desperately need to hit something.

As I stated in an earlier article, time can’t pass fast enough until I am free of this hole of a town and all the drunks in it. Bah, I’m too pissed to write anymore.


Skruffy's Point of View (Same side people, not to worry..)

Immediately upon my arrival, i was greeted by the group of people that i felt were worthy of living. I greeted them back and hovered among that quieter group in the back of the cruddy old hall. Among those in the flanks were lovers making out, people like Desena, thinking about things and concentrating on the better things in life, and then there were people like me, Ort, and Squido. The types that desperately try to ignore the bad things in life called drunks and give an ounce of pity to them.

However, unlike Dave, and alot of others, i didnt leave that early. I wanted to give the fledgeling show a chance. And believe me, I struggled my damndest to filter out the surroundings. Avoid the mosh and the (as Squido called) three guys and an amp - they totally sound like static. Sound like? They were static.

Then later on, the pot smokers lit up. And the drunkards somehow stumbled up the steep steps (alliteration!) and fell face forward into the crowd, never to be seen again. I myself hovered between keeping touch with friends nearby, video taping, and screaming in peoples ears to tell them something over the noise.

As far as cool things playing i must say that Desena was my favorite act with Seth a close second. They were the only ones worthy enough to be taped. Oh yeah and Skeezix and Robinson played something but i couldnt tell from where i was. It look cool though, strobe lights and Skeezix stripping off his shirt. MARILYN MANSON???? Then we had the Deftone-wannabes which played practically the whole cd. TBJ showed up later and made fun of Ort's cringing at the word "boobies" Thus adding to Squido's previous lament.

When the fun was fading out, i sat down in silence with people like Desena, Tim and that cluster of their friends who all had long hair and talked with a helium voice. That was enough for me....oh yeah and Avery wrestling was worth mentioning. Too bad, Rooz, i missed the chair skit!

I left satisfied that I'm no longer the scum of the earth. The drive home was filled with Beach Boys music and the satisfaction of leaving these people within 50 or so days...


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