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Mr. T, fool.

TBJ's Awful Confession - Who stole the Digimon?

Written 4-12-01

TBJ - An Epic Journey


I had a cool post that I was about to use for my last observation journal about people's nervous habits but instead it would be proper to address the gunscare of yesterday. It was a tad nerve-biting but in the end it proved itself - like all hoaxes - a mere fire drill for the pigs. Like most fads and happenings I am that person that laughs last at a joke because im the slowest. Also because I don't talk to people too often, news travels slow on my side of the world. My dad is snoring on the couch and its annoying…anyways….The events in my eyes were of the same of everyone else. One of fear, yet one that is of excitedness that roots itself in a mind of a simpleton in Southington. I'm the type that when there is an air of anticipation I become a more exuberant. Its often I get caught up in the hype watching from the background, making my own judgements. I first heard about the chicken scratch on the library table around seventh period. I concur my thoughts of each day at that time mostly by reclusing myself at the Nazi-symbol cubicle adjacent to the evidence. Usually I am eating my lunch there and reading books that Desena gives me. Also during the seventh, I see three buffoons that I somehow acquaint myself with (named: Mike, Justin R, Justin N.). They usually sit at that table while I talk to them from a distance in one of the cubicles Today though, they were talking about girls (how they cant get any) and suddenly one of them goes all white. I hear the little commotion and pop my head out of my book.

"Hey whats up? What are you looking at?"

They became nervous and beckon me over. I arrive and follow Mike's pointed finger at a tiny message on the table. It reads:

School shoot March 29 10pm

Oh that's great, make an appointment why doncha?

Of course, me being that layed back naïve type, I shrug it off, yet Justin R's conscience probably knawed at him and he compelled himself to tell the already blustered Mr. Smith about that message. I looked on as Mr. Smith said that ever since that morning people have been mentioning it to him. Back to my book…

I look up ten minutes later and see my cronies gettting up; Germano nearby. "Where ya'll going?" I ask, unaware of where they were headed. I made that stupid move of getting up and following them. Germano led us off. Whoa! Waitaminit….i thought you guys were just moving to the cafeteria. One by one I followed the others as each were placed into separate rooms under the command of Germano. Uh… mind froze. Did I just walk into a crime scene? Are they suspects? I thought we were going to the cafeteria instead….gotta tell Germano im not in this.

"Uh, Mr. Germano, im just following my friends Im not at all part of this. I thought they were moving their table elsewhere."

Wow, Mike, that was a moving excuse…Germano's letting you get out of this miss. Whew! He gave me a pass. Back to that book.

The rest of the period was spent elsewhere in another cubicle…far from that crime scene….lets see which page was I on?


I arrived to school pretty late…well it doesn't help stayin up late either. Since that last episode seventh period yesterday I didn't really give much thought of the impact of what that note was doing.

About third period I started hearing rumours of a ten oclock shooting. Oh yeah I remember reading that now! Just before third period began I had my first taste of that day's gossip. I was in the lav when I heard some pot smokers between puffs of their cigarette that it was today and they had a physical description of the suspect. A description? How do they do that? Did someone actually see someone do it?

"Something of black hair and a goatee.." Was all I got while zipping up and running before the last bell rung.

My whole Calculus class was chattering nonstop when I arrived. I looked at my watch…9:32am. Well guys, you have 28 minutes to live. Haha. Seriously…I sat down and engaged in a few conversations while hearing some girls in the corner scared for their lives. Mrs. Sattler walked in and locked the door. While she went over the next lesson, I noticed people (including myself) looking at the clock periodically and braced upon impact as the hands inched closer to that infamous number.

Let us sit and discuss my opinions at this moment: First of all, I think it was a hoax not only from its latency in rumour but also because of the message itself. I recall reading the recent TIME or NEWSWEEK magazines and remembered reading about a few false threats and saw that each one had a time. Its pretty moronic to predispose that a time would actually be left on the table. Either the person would have to be of an IQ less than 90 or doesn't really mean it. OR could it be tact…placing a false time to see how the public responds to a threat and sewing the plan accordingly in the fabric of time.

That's my thought at that time. At ten oclock I think I stopped breathing and almost heard a gunshot. Not quite. But I do have a hyperreactive imagination and the intercom suddenly interrupted and halted. The teacher even stopped that moment when she saw the clock. Then nothing…silence.

"So like I was saying…the second derivative could be found then placed back in the equation…."

The rest of the day was normal sans facto that a large portion of our school was dropping out like flys by demand of parents. That seventh period I went downstairs to join Rooz and his friends in the cafeteria. I also found that half the people that usually were in the library were now downstairs with us. Well, didn't we make a pilgrammage?

When the sophomores were to come to lunch, we didn't even notice, there were so few of them that it looked still empty. Further rumours were spilt at this time. I heard that the description was black hair, goatee, glasses, grey shirt, and tall. Hey that sounds like me, not quite. Also I heard that the previous night the founders of that discovered note were interrogated late at night while they were sleeping. They were pissed at those cops. They had my sympathy. Lo and behold, another intrigueing note of the same caliber was found in the bathroom next to the cafeteria. Wow, two notes. Was there more?

After that full blown period of paranoia and backgammon, I went to CAD and thus concluded my exciting semi-charmed life. People are funny creatures.


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