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Mr. T, fool.

A Tale of Two Stars

submitted 5-01-01

I was wandering through this site the other day and I noted the lack of participation by those other than Skruffy this past month. “Well,” I said to myself in a really confident voice, “I’ll get right on that and write something up” It was then that I realized that I was talking to myself.

In this rare moment of reflection, it also hit me that I hadn’t done my homework for physics. One other thing, the phone, hit me at that precise instant, lobbed by my sister, who plays softball, at my head. It was Krispy, looking for someone to play tennis with.

Hmm… Physics with, as I once heard him referred to, Porno-Star Michaelson or Tennis with tennis star Krispy… The dilemma lasted two times ten to the negative eight seconds.

Ten minutes later, and two games down, I wondered why I was having so much trouble getting a really level backhand down. Might have something to do with

! Physics !

No, couldn’t be. And with that brief thought I continued playing. I lost.

The next day, sitting in physics, under the watchful and sinister eye of that wacky Porno Star, I tried to fill out my test on electro statics, and I was stuck on one question. Suddenly I was struck by the answer! Keep my wrist straighter, and use my shoulders! It didn’t help physics, but it felt good.

So the true problem presents itself, I get Porno Star and Tennis Star confused at all the wrong times. To try to make sense of it all, I started typing. It hasn’t helped much at all, and I am left to one inescapable conclusion.

You need to buy a writer’s club cd in the café or from a writer’s club member for only $2.

Yes! That must be it!

-SquidoQ - Enjoys twinkies while watching Ninja Scroll (Dubbed)

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