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Mr. T, fool.

Skruffy's May Movie Review

Written 5-23-01

Uh oh, its its...

Skruffy's May Movie Reviews

Movies are great, you can kill a few hours, sit on the couch and get fat, and pretend you have no friends. The majority of the movies I saw this year come from borrowing from people and downloading them on a server. In any case, I wasted about nine hours of my precious useless childhood to entertain myself. That's a very small amount of time, in analysis, I think I need to waste more time watching movies like everybody else.

Hollow Man - Kevin Bacon was in this..ahem..thriller. I watched this until 12:30 on a school night, which made me regret otherwise the next morning. Previous to viewing this I had mixed messages of it. Some said it totally sucked, others said it was good. Who to believe? I had to test it myself. The concept of walking around naked and invisible totally appealed to me. Just think, how would you spend your days if you were invisible? I'd love it. And I'd never want to go back again. While the buildup climatical part was quite well done, it turned out just like Jurassic Park did except with a human. Just a bloody mess. I do mean BLOODY. To cap it off the ending sucked. Go figure, Kevin Bacon was in it.

3.4 of 5

Titan AE - This was also an ok movie. Not much to say except that kids would like this more than I did. Probably because it was a school night, it was past mid-night, and I desperately wanted to sleep. So for me the movie dragged out, despite it was only an hour and half long. The plot didn't thicken too much, which disappointed me so. There were no side plots really, just a main Star-Wars like action line. The story was decent though, and animation was really good for a two year old movie.

3.2 of 5

Princess Mononoke - You should see this movie. It originally was imported into this country by Disney. Originally called Mononoke Hime in 1997 it was a blockbuster hit in Japan (like the Titanic in the US). The Americanized version is dubbed with famous actors and actresses voices. Its amazing how long it felt watching this movie, later looking at the package and seeing two hours and 15 minutes, indeed it was long. The reason I wanted to see this movie is because every time we're at anime, me and Squido kept hearing about Mononoke, which annoyed us. Therefore for homework, we borrowed it from somebody and watched it. What I do remember is plenty of bloody parts and creepy animations such as the original demon-boar that chases down the hero. Im thankful I did watch it, now I no longer think Lion King is a great movie. The best part of the Kodamas, little tree creatures that remind me of peanuts characters. A definite must-see!

4.8 of 5

Shrek - I saw this instead of going to the prom. What was I thinking? Nonetheless it was eight dollars well spent. The computer animation in this was incredible, I can't wait to see Final Fantasy which will come out later this year in July. Like what I heard about Emperor's New Groove, this movie is chock full of hidden references to obscene things. Its great, it's a family film; parents will laugh out loud and the kids will also laugh because their parents are. But they won't understand the hidden meanings J The plot was fun but rather trite, and it ended up like all eerily-happy Disney movies do, happily ever after. The voices were from Mike Myers as Shrek and Eddie Murphy once again an ass.

4.3 of 5.0

Magical Mystery Tour - I saw this only a few nights ago on senior skip day. I had earlier bought it at Suncoast Movies for (ouch) twenty greenbacks as a DVD, and cringed after seeing that it was only 50 minutes long! Nonetheless it portrays the Beatles in 1967, the beginning of the psychadelic era. And it goes to show! The overall plot was hard to grasp, but it took place on a tour bus gone haywire. If you get a chance check out I Am A Walrus and Blue Jay Way music videos. Its so crazy, I loved it. My dad also watched it later on that night and loved it. The overall effect of this British TV special was quite Python-esque. Even the waiter resembled Python's very own Eric Idle. The nostalgia is well worth the twenty bucks.

3.9 of 5

Battle Angel Alita - (Subbed) Fallen master of robotics Ido, takes on a partner in crime in this disturbing Anime. I don't want to spoil anything on this movie…I mean its really really good, but you'd have to see it for yourself. Its a lot like other animes of the genre.

4.3 of 5
Well that's all, im typing this at school and as usual the bell's about to ring. And Mrs. Previti is bothering me again about absences. Sigh, wait till June rolls around….
-Skruffy - Concludes that Frog Peanuts have become popular and therefore rarities.

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