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Mr. T, fool.

Remember that...?

Written 5-27-01

Obscured Cartoon #1 - Count Duckula - Nickelodeon 1988-1990

Oui mi amores! Im here for another session of nostalgia. And no its not about me finding that PeeWee Herman doll in the mall, this time its a stumble onto my favorite cartoon when i was single digits years old...Count Duckula!

Yep, i'm sure none of you ever watched the show especially when Thundercats and Snorkel were prime talks in grammar school recess. Yes, i was one of the stray few that fell through the gutter at an early age. This show aired during late late Nick at Night times, around 11. Im guessing it was sort of like the Ren and Stimpy show, adult humor but cartoonish.

Ive cut and pasted some links of the few screenshots that i find. Fortunately i posted a forum on X-entertainment and alas, some people have actually responded to me. Now if only i could find clips of the show...

To give a brief rundown of what it was about: It was quite a morbid show portraying a Vampire (Duck?) and his minions. A hunter was always after them, or something like that and Count Duckula was always running about his mansion trying hard (with his pal Igor) to rid of the fiend.

All i remember was being extremely scared of the basement after every episode. I dont know why, but somehow this children's cartoon instilled the deepest dread of dark run down my basement! It aired for a few years on British TV and eventually was imported here by Nickolodean. About 63 half-hour episodes were made. Thank god i stopped watching it once it was taken off the air. Maybe parents complained about kids wetting their beds that night. Nah, just me.

Heres a link to a good page while your interested: Duckula Shist

-Skruffy - While the rest of the world is conquering paychecks and Oni, he still is stuck finding the Temple of Ancients on FF7.

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