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Mr. T, fool.

Nearing the Finish Line

Written 6-22-01

Fast on the heels of Kenny Hill's death came something quite the inverse opposite of the mood. Class Day. Whilst most of us were deep into our manifestations of enjoyment and mirth, we could observe other characteristics born inevitably into us. Craziness. Alas, whatever demeanor I had thought my friends contained, well, I stand corrected. Some came as a surprise, as others I knew. One surprise was Rooz himself. At school, we unwillingly avoid him in certain social situations for fear of being noticed. ( I'm Norwegian, I speak for myself. ) Instead, he was his quiet hidden self. But it didn't help later on being stricken with a viral bug or perhaps by food poisoning. Another surprising and recessive trademark observed in a friend was in Tim. Supposedly he too was stricken with a 'depression bug' where he wandered like a madman from obscure point to obscure destination unable to cope with the social situation he found himself in, (which resulted in none at all) I'd say the rest of us enjoyed our day from school rather creatively.

Well thats enough preluding…lets see what happened during that time. And I have pictures to prove our alibis. The bus ride there was long, very long indeed. And who was I sitting with? None other than the zany Chase Monroe.

As usual, I let out my barrage of stupid conversation starters and jokes and such. However funny, I, Skruffy could be. Finally after an hour we're dumped off the bus in a wasteland of mirth-tools. I had to make decisions…play tennis with this group of friends, rock climb with this group, play chess or backgammon with this one here, etc. So I hooked up with the roving tennis group which incorporated Squido, ChrisP, me, and Kurt. Eventually I tired of that and assimilated my sorry self to another group with DeSena and Tim. Unfortunately I found it quite boring, they didn't seem to want to do anything interesting except sit about and play with rocks or something of that nature. So I suggested we go for a walk to see whats available to soothe our attention spans for a short time. We found ourselves by some darkly painted cabins, and mosquitoes. Tim at this time broke off elsewhere to mingle with himself, and me and DeSena slinked deeper into the mosquitoe infested swamp. There we discovered oddly assumed places for platforms or games to the teamwork nature. One was a high plywood wall that served no other purpose than to knaw at Desena's curiousity. I found myself enticed by a nearby boardwalk suspended with a sole fulcrum. Ah! A balance board. Once again I discovered how childish my attentions are as I walked back and forth on the balance to see what happens on the other side.

To a very long post rather short, I wandered out and about, and occasionally breaking off from a group to another group. I made many a trip to the pavilion where I stuffed my active self with carbs and colored-flavored water. Upon one of my trips down by the swings and minigolf, I met up with Julie and Rooz. Rooz apparently didn't feel too well, probably as mentioned earlier, food poisoning. Julie consoled him. I grabbed his backgammon board and tugged aside a relaxed Colosimo to play the game. We were novices, and Jeremy was oblivious to the nature of the rules. I taught him.

Later on I caught myself up to a huge group of school-acquaintances who made the pool their home. So I took up my position by the waterfront and proceeded to play tactless card games with Ort and Squido. Soon we found that the nearby ping pong tables were temporarily vacant. We usurped two of the paddles and a dented ball well past its prime and had it goin', yo Jackson dude (pardon the temporary ghetto talk, for the TV is blaring some southside commercial. Lets flip it to VH1..there we go.)

Man, I realize this article will take a nice chunk of my busy typing schedule for tonight…Well, at the Class Day we played Mini Golf like four times, drank 5 cartons of chocolate milk, and sent a sick Behrooz home with a flower in his hands. We rejoiced, played hacky sack, and vowed to quit our nigger(pardon)-wage jobs…well only until we got home and realized what harmful drivel had escaped our conscience screening.

Now that its within Finals, I decided, heck lets talk about NCV and Calypso Room's performance. Much to the administrations contempt, they held an afterschool concert that featured the raging college-dorm hit "Hash Pipe" with 6 people at the guitar and basses, 2 drummers, a Marissa Brookes taking pictures and like 50 people singing. Then NCV performed their usual line-up, which I grow tired of, since I hate Blink 182. Of course I'm more of a Calypso Room and Chris Desena Fan. And finally talent played 'Roxanne' by the Police J. That was somethin' that rawked!

Calypso Room 1Calypso Room 2No Cash Value

- Skruffy - Only three finals left!

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