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Mr. T, fool.

The Never Ending Grad Party

Written 6-28-01

Yes, Im serious. This is the page about that damn huge Grad Party that I loved but the invitation wore thin. In fact by the hypnotist i was a walking zombie. Its definately not good to stay up that long nor is it remotely healthy, Just look at this pathetic (i stayed up for 24 hours straight face. Its the same one worn by me during that Midnight Twinky Experience back last November. We won't discuss that...

Most of the time from 10 to 1 I spent gambling my monopoly money away. The dealers were too generous so I asked them for a real game. And Chrispy suffered my whim.

The hypnotist was pretty cool, but heck it was 3 or so in the morning and i needed a nap. So indeed he did hypnotise me, technically. Before that me, Vanessa, and George wander off to eat some vittles in a post-midnight snack.

I'll have more pics in soon if i can find anymore interesting ones. For now, we can only visualize Desena riding the bull.

Monkey DO!!!!

- Skruffy - Spackles for fun.

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