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Mr. T, fool.

Wedding Invitations

Here ya guys go.

Mike's Comments:
  1. Very hard to do an Afro on Jen, shes a female.
  2. All of John's pictures were bright, i did the best i can with various gamma corrections and shadowing fx as Adobe 5 can allow me.
  3. Is it Jon or John?
  4. Most is cut and paste effort with blurring and blend fx
The Verdict:
  1. If this is not quite what you want, holler. Im home all day Monday, that is, if we dont have any tests Tuesd.
  2. Disco CD Numero Dos is out, ill send it ASAP
  3. Jen, got my shipment of Chinese chopsticks? Hehe.
  4. Dont print these copies out, just tell me which ya want me to do up and ill write out everything. Specific fonts and templates are on this side of the internet. :p.
  5. Final Draft can be done when ya want me to. Just dont settle for any one of these if they dont suit.

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