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Mr. T, fool.

What's Up? The News Archives

Here are the recent news articals in order of month and year. Well, there are some funny snooks in here, give it a shot. If you have something to contribute contact me via AIM, phone call, or email. Articals can range from anything. Weither they be dumb, funny, movie reviews, laments, etc. Be creative. I dont want this site to be all about me, let it be part of you too.

June 2001

The Never-Ending Grad Party - Written 06/28/01

Nearing the Finish Line - Written 06/22/01

Wash and Wax Your Soul - Submitted 06/02/01

May 2001

Remember that too? - WRitten 05/27/01

Remember that one? - WRitten 05/27/01

Skruffy's May Movie Review - WRitten 05/23/01

Random Spewings (Under Influence of Nyquil) - Writeth During the time of 05/20/01

The Tale of Two Stars - Submitted 05/01/01

April 2001

Is Tim Bannon Really John Hancock? - Written 04/28/01

Spoils - The Skruffy Biz - Written 04/27/01

Only When Rooz is Sick... - Written 04/20/01

TBJ's Awful Confession - Who stole the Digimon? - Written 04/12/01

March 2001

Senior Show Debacle - Submitted 03/31/01

Pee Wee's Pancake Discourse - Written 03/23/01

My Thoughts Exactly - Submitted 03/23/01

The Wisdom of the Unwisest (Part 2 of x) - Submitted 03/22/01

Dem's Fightin' Words - Submitted 03/21/01

The Wisdom of the Unwisest (Part 1 of x) - Submitted 03/20/01

Anime Night's Tribute to Gary - Written 03/17/01

Sans Digital Pictures Part I. - Journal Entry - No Road Respect - Written 03/15/01

Insane Potpourri - Written 03/02/01

February 2001

TBJ and the Mysterious Speaker Installation - Submitted 02/24/01
Anime Night, in All it’s Bizarre Glory - Submitted 02/22/01
ThunderBison and Skruffy go Ebaying - Written 02/20/01
A Look in My Closet Pt. 2 - The Ninja Turtle Requiem - Written 02/17/01
A Look in My Closet Pt. I - The Obscured Collector Card Series - Written 02/05/01
Movie Review 'Star Trek V' - Written 02/02/01

January 2001

A Breif and Unemotional Goodbye to Bradlees - Written 01/28/01
Dosage of Suga' - Written 01/15/01
A Matter of Understanding - Submitted 01/13/01
What’s that about? - Submitted 01/07/01
How to Waste a Whole Day - Written 01/06/01 3:15pm
Where's the Bug? -Written 01/01/01

December 2000

Conspiracy At Large -Written 12/30/00 5:30 pm
"V" For Victory or Vanskike or venture? -Written 12/27/00 10:00 pm
The End of My Starcraft Career -Written 12/27/00 9:05 pm

About Us

(Rice)KrysP - Writer/Walmart Animist/Tennis Star/Fascist Assistant of Writer's Club

Skruffy - Writer/Creater/Retro Disco Recluse/Consumer of Past Fads

ThunderBisonJohn - Swinger/Scavenger/Underacheiva

SquidoQ - Writer/Fascist Leader of Writer's Club/(no youre not a tennis star)

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